Python for Maya 2

These scripts are written after about a year away from the initial set of maya scripts. After I had the opportunity to work with some amazing people, I've learnt how to better code my tools for production.
Most of these tools are written using pyQt and pymel. All scripts have their individual loading script which allows auto updating of the tool when a change is made.


Lighting Toolbar
Purpose: Lighters only need to manually load this script's loading script and a toolbar with all the latest tools for the lighting department will be available for use. 

Light Create Tool
Purpose: To create and manipulate lights easily. It can also manipulate a light Rig.

Light Linking tool
Purpose: Quick manipulation of light linking via selection instead of using the relationship editor.

Light Lister tool
Purpose: Similar to the light lister in 3ds max, this tool compiles all lights in the scene and displays common attributes that are frequently edited. This allows efficient editing of lights instead of selecting individually and editing them. This script also has docking ability which allows the lighter to dock it as a panel on the left or right.

Set manipulation tool
Purpose: Mainly used to edit VRayObjectProperties for matte objects during pass breaking.
It provides quick manipulation of the selected set type via selection instead of using the relationship editor.

Transfer Hidden tool
Purpose: To transfer whatever objects that are hidden in the current file to another file via script. Its mainly for optimisation of shot. Users click get to generate a code that can be used in other files, click copy to copy into clipboard and paste it wherever they need.

Lighting setup tool for G-Fighters
Purpose: A quick 2 button click to setup the project's shot for the lighting department.
2 buttons were used instead of compiling all the steps into 1 was because the 2nd stage caches the animation. If any animation fixes were needed, it has to be completed before the 2nd stage.


Animation Toolbar
Purpose: Animators only need to manually load this script's loading script and a toolbar with all the latest tools for the animation department will be available for use. 

Referencing tool
Purpose: Easy referencing of files with project settings. This script also allow the referenced object be placed at a selected object's location.

Sound referencing tool
Purpose: Easy referencing of sound files and allows for time offset. 

Playblast tool
Purpose: Quick and easy way to create playblast with standardised settings for dailies.

Create Camera tool for G-Fighters
Purpose: Quick creation of camera with the required settings for animators. This tool will also adjust the animation frame range and rename the camera to the required naming convention.
This tool will also allow the new camera to be created either at the world origin, center of a selected object or will auto frame the selected object.

Camera shake tool
Purpose: Creates an editable camera shake for the selected camera using an expression. It also has presets for quick defaults for camera shake. This is a 3D camera shake tool so there are actual translation and rotation modifications.

Animation Constraint tool
Purpose: Allows animators to have an object be constrained to another object yet have the ability to further animate the child object. Usually in maya, once an object is parent constrainted to another object, the child object totally loses all transformation functionality as it follow the driving object.

Library Module
Purpose: An interface module which compiles the project's and department's library's gif files automatically.
For animation, it will load the selected gif's atom file for loading.
Currently for VFX, it will open the required directory.
Note: In the future, I hope it can be used by the modelling department as a base mesh library loader, lighting department as a default lighting setup loader and compositing as a template loader.

*Other tools
I have also create an atom file Exporter for animators for quick exporting of atom files and will also generate an animated gif for the library module.

Below is a table of tools which I have created since December 2013

Tools Department Description
TIP_libraryModule_loader General Loads TIP_libraryModule
TIP_libraryModule General Library module. Not department dependant. VFX's open directory function is in this module
TIPCamImport_UI Lighting Imports camera from maya file from selected scene file. Ties in with TIPCamExport
TIPCamExport Lighting For baking and exporting camera into a separate file
TIP_transHidden Lighting Selects hidden objects in the layers with "Set" in the name. Prints out a command line that can be used to select the exact same objects in another shot
TIP_setup_loader Lighting Loads TIP_setup_UI
TIP_setup_UI Lighting Set up lighting shot file in 2 buttons
TIP_filterSelection Lighting to filter off the current selection into specific types.
TIP_BGtoAO Lighting Create AO pass for Background
TIP_lightLister_loader Lighting Loads TIP_lightLister
TIP_lightLister Lighting Create a table of lights and required information for quick access and manipulation of light data
TIP_lightLinking_loader Lighting Loads TIP_lightLinking
TIP_lightLinking Lighting selection based light include/exclude
TIP_lightTool_loader Lighting Loads TIP_lightTool
TIP_lightTool Lighting Toolbar with scripts for lighting department. Easy update of new tools for lighting department
TIP_setManip_loader Lighting Loads TIP_setManip
TIP_setManip Lighting Selection based set manipulation. Especially good for vray object properties. (matte shadow)
TIP_refSound_loader Animation Loads TIP_refSound
TIP_refSound Animation References Sound file with offset frames
TIP_playblast_Loader Animation Loads TIP_playblast
TIP_playblast Animation To fix maya's bug: Playblast lack of last frame. Quick playblast tool with required settings
TIP_placeRef_loader Animation Loads TIP_placeRef
TIP_placeRef Animation Allows placement of referenced object. Allows easy referencing.
TIP_createCam_loader Animation Loads TIP_createCam
TIP_createCam Animation Easy creation of camera with default setting. Aligns the newly created camera to any selected nodes in the scene or frames for the selected nodes
TIP_animTools_loader Animation Loads TIP_animTools
TIP_animTools Animation UI to link to other animation tools
TIP_animAtom Animation Animation Department's animation library. Loaded by Library Module. Uses ATOM as foundation for transfering animation
TIP_atomExport_loader Animation Loads TIP_atomExport
TIP_atomExport Animation Quick and easy exporting of ATOM file from the animator with standardised settings. Creates playblast with small resolution in mov, jpg image sequence and compiles into an animated gif
TIP_animSetup Animation Setup maya settings for animation
TIP_animSetup_loader Animation Loads TIP_animSetup
TIP_cameraShake Animation add camera shake to camera
TIP_cameraShake_loader Animation Loads TIP_cameraShake
TIP_shiftKey Animation / VFX Shift keyframes in order to make animation start frame to be at 1.
TIP_animConstraint Animation Link constraint tool with local controls function
TIP_animConstraint_loader Animation Loads TIP_animConstraint
TIP_camManip_loader Animation Loads TIP_camManip
TIP_camManip Animation Easy camera zoom, tilt, pan without editing actual lens settings. Have fail safes to reset values to default

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